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Diabetes ReCHARGE:

Committing to Health and Reaching Goals

with Energy

Are you newly diagnosed with diabetes, caring for someone with diabetes or needing additional support managing your diabetes?

Take part in Diabetes ReCHARGE, a free virtual and hybrid education and support program that is designed to help you learn more about diabetes and how to manage it. The program offers group, individual and ongoing sessions to support your unique needs.

To register, call the Wellness Connection Center
at 505-923-5963 or email

Have questions about your health insurance or looking for more
in-person wellness classes and
social events?


Visit Presbyterian Health Plan Place
Services and Wellness Programs for Medicare Members 

Mon-Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
2100 Louisiana Blvd NE, Suite 408
Albuquerque, NM 87110



Caring for a child can be overwhelming. We're here to help, one text at a time.


Text KIDSTHRIVE to 274448 to sign up! Get expert tips on your child's growth, nutrition, and free local events.

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El propósito de Presbyterian es mejorar la salud de nuestros pacientes, miembros y comunidades y, a través de nuestros programas de bienestar, nos esforzamos por mejorar la prevención y el autocontrol de las condiciones de salud crónicas a través de una alimentación saludable, una vida activa y apoyo.

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1301 Bulevar de Wyoming. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112

Lunes – Viernes: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm 

Áreas de servicio: Nuestras tres cocinas de enseñanza están ubicadas en el área metropolitana de Albuquerque y Santa Fe. Nuestro alcance es a nivel estatal a través de clases virtuales.

© 2023 Servicios Presbiterianos de Salud

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